CASE STUDY: Replacement of failed mini implants to restore chewing capacity.

Patient history
A 64 year old male patient presented with a broken lower left implant that was inhibiting his chewing capacity.
The patient had no relevant medical history. His dental history included missing teeth (35, 36 and 37) and mini implants in areas 35 and 36.
On examination, the mini implant in area 36 restored with a single crown could be detected but implant 35 was fractured at bone level.
On subsequent examination, two months later, mini implant 36 was tender and the patient requested its removal.
A CBCT was obtained.
Failing mini implants (35 and 36) as a result of their use for incorrect indications.
The agreed upon treatment was the removal of the failed mini implants in the areas of teeth 35 and 36, the insertion of regular sized implants in the areas of teeth 35 and 37, followed by the restoration with a bridge.
The agreed treatment was performed and the mini implants were removed using ultrasonic Piezosurgery. This technology enables precision cutting of bone whilst minimising trauma to soft tissues.
Three months later regular sized implants were placed in the area of teeth 35 and 37.
Restoration with a bridge was performed three months later with the referring restorative dentist.
Osseointegration of the implants was achieved. The patient’s chewing capacity was restored and the patient was happy with the treatment outcome.
For more information on dental implants, click here.