CASE STUDY: Block bone grafting to prevent a second failed implant

Patient history
A 46 year old female patient presented following the removal of a failed implant in the area of tooth 11. She indicated her wish for a fixed restoration.
On examination, it was observed that the patient had insufficient alveolar bone for another implant in the area of tooth 11.
A CBCT was obtained.
The diagnosis made was deficient alveolar bone (horizontal dimension).
The agreed upon treatment was a block graft in the area of tooth 11, using an autogenous bone block from the mental area. Six month later, the implant was to be placed.
During the initial procedure, the block bone graft was inserted in the buccal aspect of area 11.
Six months later, in a subsequent procedure, a new implant was inserted.
The block graft healed well. The implant was inserted with good primary stability. Currently awaiting osseointegration of the implant before treatment success can be wholly declared. However, to date, the patient is happy with the progress of the treatment.